Who Are You?
I'm a freelance developer interested in Web, Systems, Game and Full-Stack Development.
What I Do
My primary development skill is coding/programming in languages like C#, Javascript, Typescript, HTML and CSS. I'm also skilled in 2D and 3D art (mostly using Gimp and Blender).
Skill Chart
Development Interests
- Software Development Methodologies like AOP, DDD, AOP, TDD, Agile, SDM, UP
- Concurrency
- Parallelism
- Reactive Programming
- JAM Stack
- PWA's
- SPA's
- Design Patterns ( Daily Design Patterns)
Programming Interests
- C/C++
- Assembly
- Software Development Methodologies
- Hybrid App Development
- Ionic 2+
- (ASP) .NET Core
- Functional programming
Other Personal Interests
- The Blockchain
- ML
Web Development
My Main focus when I'm writing a web-app, is to make the web-app responsive, learn about new tools and trying to use new techniques. SPA's, Build tools and other front-end tools are things i would like to learn more about. I mostly end up using some sort of combination of Node js tools to build the front-end of a web-app.